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Dana B.

My name is Dana Brigham. I started with Culligan in March 2023 and have become passionate about my family’s water and helping others improve theirs. I have lived in Florida for three years with my husband and son. My husband, being a Florida native, and I get to raise our son on the beautiful Gulf Coast just as he grew up. I spend my free time with my family, gardening (especially proud of my orchids) and time at the beach.


Schedule an Appointment

Fill out the form below or call (941) 208-4404 and have your Culligan Man® schedule an appointment!
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Email Sign-Up

Schedule a Phone Call

Fill out this form to schedule a phone Q&A with us, and a Culligan representative will contact you!
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Please fill out the form below, and add at least ONE contact method for your referral (email or phone) as well as at least ONE location input (address, city or zip code).
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Your Name*